Enugu monarch hails Chief Agbo on Corporate Social Responsibility

By Ikemefuna Ikem

HRH Igwe Simon Ugwunweze, the Traditional Ruler of Umukashi Community in Nsukka Local Government Area of Enugu State, has applauded an industrialist, Chief Wilson Agbo for his Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) to Umukashi the host community.

Agbo is the Chairman/CEO of Wilson Nigeria Limited, Nsukka, producers of Solive Cooking Oil, Bestie Instant Noodles among others.

Ugwunweze  said this in an interview with our reporter in Nsukka on Monday while speaking on many CRS of the company to his community, especially the recent asphalting of a 2- kilometre road in the community 

He said that in the past two decades since the company came to the community, Umukashi people have enjoyed cordial relationships as well as many good things from the company.

"Since the past two decades since the company started business in our community our relationship has been cordial and we have enjoyed so many things from the company.

"The company has donated an electricity transformer to the community, members of the community fetch their drinking water from the company free of charge, 

"The company also donated a brand new operational vehicle to our community's neighborhood watch security, provided them with security gadgets, and a monthly stipend to fuel and maintain the vehicle.

"Recently Agbo asphalts a 2- kilometre road in our community without any assistance from anybody," he said.

According to the traditional ruler, presently Agbo is constructing an International Secondary School with ultra-modern hostel facilities.

He said the school when completed would be one of the best secondary schools in Enugu State.

"The company presence in Umukashi is a big blessing to our people in so many ways,

"Two years ago our community town hall building collapsed, Agbo rebuilds it to a modern standard as well as mounted a big iron gate worth over half a million naira on the gate," he said.

Ugwunweze further said that his community had benefited immensely from Agbo's company, explaining that many of the community members have been offered employment by the company.

"Wilson company, the producers of Solive cooking oil, Bestie Instant Noddles among others have given employment to many Umukashi people.

"Not minding all these things the company is doing to the community, every Christmas Agbo donates bags of rice, gallons of Solive oil, and cartoons of Bestie Instant Noddles, among other items to celebrate Christmas for us.

"Umukashi Community will continue to sustain the good relationship between the community and the company," the royal father added.

When contacted, Agbo said his company had been discharging its corporate social responsibility to Umukashi the host community because of the excellent relationship that had existed between his company and the host community.

The Chairman/CEO of Wilson company said because of the cordial relationship his company had witnessed robust progress in many areas.

"I commend the people of Umukashi, especially the traditional ruler for the excellent relationship between my Company and the community, we will keep doing our best to sustain the good relationship.

"My company will continue to do more in terms of CSR to the host community because, without the good relationship, numerous achievements recorded by the company will have been impossible," he said.


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